Tag: Climate Science
AI + Energy Knowledge Graph
Over the past few months I’ve started a new job working at the Geomatics and Cartographic Research Centre (GCRC) at Carleton University. It’s been a splendid place to work and learn, and it has helped me think about the world in fascinating ways. The project I’ve been working on with the GCRC over the past…
Using BigEarthNet to Develop an Image Classification Model pt. 2
Hello! This is my follow up post to my last post. Over the past little bit I have learned new things and I’ve seriously changed my preprocessing set up. Initially I thought I would simply edit the original post, but I figured why not show my errors instead. Furthermore, during the process of reviewing deep…
Using BigEarthNet to Develop an Image-Classification Model pt. 1
Good day to everybody! Today will be the first of a few posts that will use BigEarthNet to develop an image classification model. Background BigEarthNet is a large database that uses satellite imagery from the Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellites. The dataset contains 590,326 pairs of images and labels which they refer to as ‘patches’, for…
How to use NetCDF (.nc and .nc4) files in Python/Jupyter Notebook
I found there weren’t any good resources online that had clear instructions on how to process .nc and .nc4 files through Python, so I thought I’d make a post about it myself. What are .nc and .nc4 files? First, it’s important not to get these files confused with NC (Numerical Control) files which are used…
Using Scripps Institution of Oceanography’s Global Observatories to Study Atmospheric CO2 pt. 2
This is a follow up post to my last post (which can be found here) where we did a deep dive into the data gathered from the Scripps Insitution of Oceanography’s Mauna Loa Observatory. In this post I will be looking at Scripps’s global observatories and comparing their findings to gather insight about how latitude…
Using Scripps Institution of Oceanography’s Global Observatories to Study Atmospheric CO2
In this blog I go through the preliminary steps of processing and analyzing some data retrieved from the Mauna Loa Earth Observatory in Hawaii.